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E-Commerce Growth Studio

Helping D2C brands scale through creative and paid media strategies.

Parntner Integrations




What services do you offer?

Our team offers a comprehensive range of services to help you elevate your brand and achieve your marketing goals. We specialize in the following areas: Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Content Creation and Product Animations.

FAQ image

How do you price your services?

At our agency, we understand that each client is unique and requires a tailored approach to our services. Our objective is to offer pricing that enables our clients to maximize their profits while also being commensurate with our time and resources. To accomplish this, we prioritize gaining a comprehensive understanding of every aspect of our clients' businesses before proposing pricing. This allows us to create a pricing structure that is mutually beneficial and reflective of the value our services provide. By taking this approach, we ensure that our clients receive the highest quality service at a price that is fair and optimized for their specific needs.

How long does onboarding take?

At our agency, we have developed an onboarding process that is designed to be as streamlined as possible, while also requiring active client participation. The duration of our onboarding process can vary, with some clients being onboarded within a matter of days, while others may take several weeks. Factors that can influence this timeline include the availability of video assets, the setup of ad accounts, and the prompt provision of access to relevant accounts. Our goal is to work closely with each client to ensure a seamless and efficient onboarding experience, and we are committed to providing the highest quality service throughout this process.

Do you require retainers?

At Neptune Collective, we take a different approach to client relationships than traditional retainers. Our philosophy is centered around demonstrating our value through our performance, and becoming an integral part of our partners' businesses. As a result, we are highly selective in the clients we choose to onboard. We seek to work with clients who appreciate our expertise and are willing to entrust us with the autonomy to fulfill our role as an extension of their team. By adopting this approach, we aim to build strong and collaborative partnerships that are founded on mutual respect, trust, and a shared commitment to achieving tangible business results.

How Do I Become A Client?

To become a valued client of Neptune Collective, we invite you to complete our online form and schedule a call with one of our team members. During this initial consultation, we will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your business to determine whether our services are a good match for your organization. If we believe there is potential for a mutually beneficial partnership, we will work with you to develop a customized plan of action and a transparent pricing quote that aligns with your budget and goals. At Neptune Collective, we prioritize clear communication, collaboration, and exceptional service to ensure that our clients achieve the best possible outcomes.

© 2023 by Neptune Collective

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(888) 846-5164